Altenstädt -
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Altenstädt - Our Village

Altenstädt - A village in North Hesse
Altenstädt (Altenstaedt) is a part of Naumburg (D-34311) in the middle of Germany and situated within an idyllic landscape with mountains (“Naturpark Habichtswald”), which is characterised by forest and framed by the conical mountains Weidelsberg, Isthaberg and Wartberg. Approximately the 1,200 inhabitants live about 20 kilometres west of Kassel, 6 kilometres south of Wolfhagen and 3 kilometres east of Naumburg.
Near Altenstädt is a watershed between Eder and Diemel river which was the former Hessian- Saxony*) border (early Middle Ages) . It was also a historic language boundary.
Altenstädt was for the first time mentioned in year 831 A.D., but certainly founded many years before.

The highest rise of the approxmate 740 hectare area of Altenstädt is 364 m above sea level in the so called Mühlenholz. The lowest place is near Hardthof with 299 m. The altitude of the village itself is of about 320 m. The new housing estate “Auf der Kleinen Hardt” is 348 m.
Life in Altenstädt is characterised by active clubs (Vereine und Kirchen) and co-operation of the citizens. The original rural, rustic structure has been changed. Beside the local trade and service enterprises (Gewerbe) most residents commute between the village and their jobs in the town; for example, 20 kilometre distance to Volkswagen plant in Baunatal.

Youl will find more infomationon at the following pages (in German):
 - the history of Altenstädt: pleas look at “Chronik” 
 - visual impressions on page picture gallery (“Bildergalerie”)
 - maps of the village and the environs at “Ortsplan”
 - the new housing estate at “Neubaugebiet”
 - the self-help of the citizens at “Bürgerschaftliche Aktivitäten”
 - statistics at “Statistik”
If you have further questions about Altenstädt and the shown pages please don’t hesitate to contact us.

*) This former Saxony has nothing to do with the todays State of Saxony in East Germany!

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